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The birth of a baby is a wonderful, very special moment in the life of any young family and it is a natural response to want to thank God and celebrate this occasion. So in the United Parish we give a warm welcome to all those exploring the possibility of baptism (or christening as it is popularly called) for their children. But baptism is not to be taken lightly: it is about bringing your child into the family of God, into the Church, and with that privilege comes the responsibility of giving your child a knowledge and experience of Christian faith and worship. 

For a variety of reasons some parents want to give thanks to God but don’t feel able to make the promises asked of them in baptism and so “A Service of Thanksgiving after the Birth of a Child” is another way forward.

If you would like to discuss this further please contact the parish clergy (details here).

Of course baptism is not just for children. Increasingly babies are not baptised and so it is not until adulthood that some people begin to consider issues of faith. Once again, please contact the parish clergy if you would like to talk further about this.